Blacksmiths / Knife Makers
Hot Shot Ovens have been engineered to exceed the expectations of those in the Blacksmithing and Knife Making fields. Hot Shot Ovens are capable of being programmed to ramp and hold at the desired temperature needed for your custom metal needs. Check out our heat treating “recipes” HERE.

Machining / Metalworking
Hot Shot Ovens are a great solution for Machine shops bogged down by the long wait times and cost involved with sending out parts and tooling to the heat treater. Many machine shops can benefit from doing heat treating in house and Hot Shot offers a series of ovens in different shapes and sizes making Hot Shot Ovens a powerful and lucrative investment for your shop. Check out our heat treating “recipes” HERE.

Metallurgy / Industrial
Hot Shot Ovens serve the needs coming from all different industries such as automotive, transportation, Tool and Die, etc. We carry different styles of oven/kilns to fit your specific needs made here in the USA and built tough for industrial use. Check out our full inventory of Hot Shot Oven HERE.

Glass Making
The world of glass is a beautiful form of art. Creators make sculptures, bowls and other magnificent and unique pieces detailing the vision of their artistic mind. Glass kilns are perfect for all your glass projects. Most glass projects need temperatures to go up to 1700F with many processes being done at lower temps. Hot Shot Ovens can achieve all of the processes of annealing, fusing, slumping and casting in order to turn your idea into a beautiful piece of art. Shop more HERE.