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Phase Converter Maintenance

As the seasons are changing and temperatures are getting colder, we start to think of the various maintenance needed around the home such as changing the furnace filters, changing smoke detector batteries, making sure we have a good battery in our vehicle, etc. So, this is also a good time to do a check-up and […]

Keith Rucker & Vintage Machinery with American Rotary Phase Converters

Many of you might know him from but you may know him even better as Keith Rucker – The agricultural scientist/machinist! Come with us as we head down south to Georgia to meet with Keith and hang out at his shop as well as visit a few of his favorite places along the way. […]

7 Power Tools Every Woodworking Shop Should Have

We recently took a random survey of our woodworking customers and asked them what were the top five woodworking pieces of equipment that they suggested every woodworking shop should never go without. We got a lot of feedback and we wanted to go through and inform you of the top results. In fact, we got […]

a wooden pen cup

Woodworking Tips For Beginners

Over the past few months, we provided you with the top power tools for woodworking and hand tools for woodworking. Now that you know the top tools to have on hand it’s a good time to go over the top tips to follow as a woodworker who is just getting started on a new hobby […]

a person using a lathe making chips

Top 5 Hand Tools Every Woodworking Shop Should Have

A few weeks back we took a survey about the Top Seven Power Tools that Every Woodworking Shop Should Have.  Not only did we get a lot of feedback from that survey, but also a lot of good recommendations of hand tools that a lot of the woodworkers could not get by without.  These recommendations […]

East Side Cabinets with American Rotary Phase Converters

In this video, Dave & Dave visit East Side Cabinets, a maker of European-style cabinets located in Madison, Wisconsin. Bryan gives us a tour of his shop and shows how multiple phase converters from American Rotary power all of his equipment including his edge-bander, air-compressor, and his CNC router, which are all three-phase. As East […]

a wooden rolling pin

2016 International Woodworking Fair

Back in August, we headed down to the International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta, Georgia. While there were plenty of machines to see, the most surprising thing we saw was the increased presence of CNC machines, not to mention the many great people we got to meet and connect with… Here is our video recap of […]

an example of raised grain in wood

Reardon’s Woodworking Machinery with American Rotary Phase Converters

As part of our trip to Florida earlier this year, we stopped to meet with Kevin Reardon, owner of Reardon’s Woodworking Machinery. There Kevin and his family sell new and used woodworking equipment, as well as provide services such as repairs and installation. They use a 25hp rotary phase converter to test their reconditioned used […]